
All students over the age of 6 are under compulsion to attend school. Teachers are required to keep a record of attendance. It is DECD policy that the school is provided with a reason for each absence (eg. illness, family reasons).

At Coromandel Valley Primary School, student attendance and safety is a high priority.

The school expects parents/caregivers to advise the school in advance via a text message to 0427 016 460 if their child is to be absent or late. All late or absent details must be sent by 9.15am. If not advised by this time a SMS text message will be automatically sent to the mobile phones of parents explaining that our records show that your child is absent from school. Parents are expected to reply to confirm they are aware the child is absent and give a reason.

When communicating with the school by SMS, please include the following information:

  • Name of your child
  • Roll Class
  • Reason for absence or lateness
  • Day/date of absence or lateness

If your child is going to be absent for an extended time (i.e. 3 days or more), please collect an exemption form from the Front Office (e.g. family holiday etc) or use the link below.

Good attendance maximises children's learning opportunities and is excellent life skills training. Principals are required to investigate and improve patterns of continued lateness or poor attendance.

Attendance Policy pdf (273 KB)
Application For Exemption From School Enrolment/Attendance and Education Enrolment/Participation (132KB)